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Species secretions relates to scenting success?

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Posted by Colchicine on January 31, 2003 at 21:11:14:

In Reply to: Re: 3 weeks is nothing... posted by chrish on January 31, 2003 at 14:25:34:

I agree that almost any frog would probably work, however I have wondered about the efficacy of different species with different levels of toxic secretions. Toads obviously work because of their paratoid glands, but I wonder about amphibians that are not known for their toxic antipredator secretions, let's say bullfrogs (of which ironically, I have not had much success with using for scenting).

I was thinking that a frog's secretions increases the ability to spread the secretions, that are essentially an identifying smell, to the prey item. With an animal lacking secretions, you would probably get nothing more than dermal cells on the mouse. But, say you have a gray tree frog that is known to secrete a white milky substance from its entire back when threatened with a predator, it seems as though you would get some of those dermal cells as well as the secretion/identifying smell. It would be interesting to test whether or not animals such as gray tree frogs, toads (Bufo), pickerel frogs and spadefoots would give you better results than animals such as bullfrogs, green tree frogs and spring peepers.

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