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Re: Is it harder to convert an Eastern Adult to pinkies?

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Posted by barrel_racer on December 23, 2002 at 01:46:30:

In Reply to: Is it harder to convert an Eastern Adult to pinkies? posted by rudedogsurfrat on December 23, 2002 at 00:01:40:

You will just be making it that much harder for yourself, and your snakes in the future. We currently have 2 '02 easterns, 2 adult westerns, and 2 adult madagascars. The only one that is currently giving trouble is one of the easterns. It used to eat scented pinks like there was no tomorrow, but for some unknown reason it stopped eating about 3-4 wks ago(used to eat 2 a wk). The other eastern and the rest of the crew continue to stuff themselves to the limit, but nothing has incouraged this one to eat. We were told to simply cool it for a few months and that come spring it would pick up eating again. I hope I helped.

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