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Re: You're never going to believe this Colchi...

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Posted by sbogill on December 07, 2002 at 10:59:24:

In Reply to: Re: You're never going to believe this Colchi... posted by Colchicine on December 06, 2002 at 08:20:29:

Yeah, and I believe that amphibians are just the tip of the iceberg. They are the first to suffer from contaminates in the environment due to their moist permeable skin and the fact that they live on land and in the water. They are a bioindicator species or as Dr. Richard Wyman puts it, "The canary in the coal mines." My research indicated that reptiles are going to be the next to go, and the same factors affecting them and amphibians will continue to peck away at other higher life forms.

However when I researched the factors affecting amphibians I felt really small and powerless in the scheme of things. How would one go about reversing the over use of pesticides & herbicides in agriculture? How would one check and reverse the devastation of urban sprawl? Who is going to tell real estate speculators that they have to give up their holdings and lose millions? How would one go about reducing air and water pollution? All of the gains that were made over the last decade are being eradicated by president Bush---and in fact we are starting to lose ground beyond that.

Hah hah hah! Let me switch off my Chicken-Little mode now. The sky is falling, but what is one to do? As a mild obsessive compulsive, if I let myself get obsessed about such things I will drive myself bonkers. That’s enough rambling on for now. I'm glad we're on the same side now Colchi, because I always liked you even when we were going at it tooth, claw, and nail.

See ya,

Saw Bones

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