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Re: You're never going to believe this Colchi...

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Posted by Colchicine on December 06, 2002 at 08:20:29:

In Reply to: Re: You're never going to believe this Colchi... posted by sbogill on December 06, 2002 at 01:56:29:

Yeah, I totally missed that one. I had just posted on the amphibian forums about trying to find info on amphibian diseases for my paper. I had assumed you saw those posts and posted here about writing a paper yourself. After looking at our previous conversation and seeing how you WERE oblivious to amphibian decline, I could have only thought you were mocking me.

I was expected to provide a differing viewpoint for the topic of my paper, as I found in research myself, there really isn't some extreme right-wing group (for example) that is refusing to believe in amphibian decline.

I am very glad you were able to see for yourself how amphibians are suffering. I can only hope that other people see how important it is to leave wild animals alone. No animal is exempt from extinction regardless of abundance. You saw for yourself that it is actually the frogs that inhabit pristine areas, spared from human disturbance, that have gone extinct. What does that say about the toads living in our polluted backyards?

*”…the oldest task in human history: to live on a piece of land without spoiling it.”
Aldo Leopold (1938)

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