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Tokay with possible mouth rot

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Posted by Colchicine on May 11, 2003 at 10:35:19:

In Reply to: Tokay with possible mouth rot posted by lolaophidia on May 10, 2003 at 18:38:54:

The important thing to remember is that mouth rot is usually a secondary condition brought on by a weakened animal or one with immunosuppression. In other words, there is some other underlying cause of the mouth rot and treating it alone may not alleviate the symptoms or make this animal any healthier. Therefore, it is best to see a vet. Your friend should also thoroughly evaluate their husbandry practices.

You can do this animal a very big favor by explaining to your friend the responsibilities associated with keeping an animal that is alive and capable of suffering. They level of care is not dictated by the original cost of the animal, it is dictated by the needs of the individual animal. If your friend does not have the compassion to get this animal proper veterinary care, then they should consider a new hobby, preferably one that does not have a live animal dependent upon this person for its own well-being. By the way, in the county where I'm from they recently changed the animal control ordinance to include a section that states anyone withholding veterinary care is punishable with a felony. This can very easily be considered animal abuse.

Consider printing this post off and handing it to your friend.

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