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Tokay with possible mouth rot

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Posted by lolaophidia on May 10, 2003 at 18:38:54:

I visited a friend today who has a few Tokay's and she asked me to look at one of them to see what I thought was wrong with it. Getting a Tokay to gape is not a problem! The lower jaw looked puffy pink and yellowish, the upper jaw did have a whitish spot. I did my best to swab out the mouth with hydrogen peroxide on a Q-tip but the darn Tokay kept trying to bite the swab (not surprising huh?!?). There was some pus like fluid and bloody smears on the swab so I'm thinking mouth rot. Any suggestions for continued treatment? Is it ok to use bacitracin or other antibiotic oinment to try to speed healing? I'm concerned about using it on the lizard orally. The lizard has good weight and is still eating. I know the best advice is to see the vet, but my friend won't take a 6 dollar lizard in for a 50 dollar vet visit. Just trying to help...

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