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my snake has bumps under skin

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Posted by carl3 on April 05, 2003 at 19:34:42:

I recently bought several Candoias (solomon island ground boas) from a wholesaler. Anyway, I got them very cheap and realized they would be a challenge since some of them were small and somewhat dehydrated. Well, I don't know how I missed it BUT 2 of them have these nasty internal bumps underneath their skin (not just under the scales). The bumps are solid and do NOT show any discoloration. Each hatchling has several of these bumps and I have never seen them before. Does anyone know what the possible illnesses are? I assume it may be some viral or parasitic infection maybe passed down from the wild caught parents. I really don't think these 2 snakes will make it.

I am not an amateur herper but have had the fortune of always getting healthy snakes. I do not have pics to post of them since I just got them. I did quarantine them from the other ground boas, and put them all far far away from the rest of my snakes. Finally, are there any websites with good pics of snakes with disorders to maybe match up with my snakes????

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