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sick african dwarf froggies.... help!....

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Posted by Herp_luv on March 14, 2003 at 14:38:41:

Hello. My african dwarf frogs have had some problems lately, and I'm wondering if they may have ich (small, white lumps have been appearing on a few of them). I'm not sure if the problem could be another illness, since I'm not sure if aquatic amphibians can develop ich or not. I believe the problem may've been brought on by stress. The lumps sort of "blend in" with their naturally textured skin, but they do seem to be abnormal. This would be disastrous, since some of my females are ready to lay eggs. If I put ich medication in the water, may that effect the eggs, if they are laid in the medicated water? Two frogs have died over the past week, seeming to have internally hemorrhaged of sorts. They did look like they had ich, and I think that they may've had the problems that eventually killed them when I purchased them. The frogs are currently eating, swimming about, and even going through amplexus, seemingly happy and healthy. However, the individuals with the small, white lumps have been hanging out a bit close to the surface of the water (not dying, they are swimming fine, they just prefer to "hang out" a bit closer to the surface than the other frogs, but they do not float on the surface or anything of that sort). Does it sound like they may have ich, or another disease that pipids are prone to? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Have a nice day!

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