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I have that cage. Here's some info and PICS.

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Posted by AnthonyCaponetto on February 25, 2003 at 16:45:25:

In Reply to: Barrs 20x20x20 Cage question posted by ToddM on February 22, 2003 at 13:17:51:

I have that same cage. Not only does the top have a vent, the sides have vents too. The side vents are adjustable, and the for $4, you can get a cover for the top.

With the optional vent cover included, it cost $120 shipped...and I have to say that this cage is AWESOME for controlling the humidity.

I heat mine with an undertank heater 24 hours per day, and have the 5.5" dome light on for 12 hours or so per day.

Here's the top, without the cover

Here's the top, with the cover, before I cut the hole in it.

Here's the top, with the cover, after I cut the hole in it.

Here's the top, with the cover, after I cut the hole in it, with the dome lamp inserted.

Here's one of the adjustable side vents. These are great for controlling ventilation/humidity.

Here it is now, sitting atop one of my racks.

:I'm thinking of getting a GTP and am wondering what the best way of heating the Barrs 20x20x20 cage would be?? The ventilation is in the top so I'm wondering what everyone else here would (or does) use with this cage??
:Thanks for your time,

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