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Re: Whats next? Suggestions pls

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Posted by oldherper on April 06, 2003 at 21:52:32:

In Reply to: Whats next? Suggestions pls posted by christomas on April 06, 2003 at 21:27:13:

Welcome to the addiction.

My suggestion would be to slow down. Take what you already have and get it established, and keep accurate painstaking records of feedings, sheds, defecations, regurgitations (if necessary), cage cleanings, etc. It may not sound important to you to keep records of all the details of your snakes' meals, and shedding and all that sort of thing, but you sound like someone who is destined to have a big collection. Believe me, the records can be invaluable especially if you keep large numbers of animals. You can't remember details about the habits of large quantities of animals and the records can help you sort through things if you have problems with one of them. Use 4x6 Index cards and keep them on or near each animal's cage. Get into a routine of cleaning cages, feeding on a schedule, etc.

The reason I say to slow down is that it takes time to properly care for an animal. The more you have, the more time it takes. It's easy to end up with more animals that you can properly care for and the task becomes overwhelming, then you may start to just let it go and not keep up with it. The more you get into your routine and the more practice you get, the less time it takes to do it and the more animals you can properly care for.

You don't need anyone else's advice on what to get. You will know when you see your next pair.

:I am currently planning to get a pair of snakes. Currently i own a pair of albino oketee corn, a pair of 50-50 cal king, a pair of knobs. I was thinking of maybe a pair of gray banded blairi phase king, or albino nelsons milk, or sinaloan. I want really beautiful collectors snake. Any suggestions? I am new to this hobby but i have been dieing to do this since i was a kid. And now that i have the means i just cant stop myself. At the current rate i have been buying pairs almost every week. Thanks :)

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