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Cali kingsnake - bunch of questions

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Posted by krapylet on March 04, 2003 at 01:06:39:

I bought two californian kingsnakes a week ago, one male and one female. I proceeded to buy a 240l (roughly what they are supposed to require) size aquarium for them (Terrariums are almost impossible to get here, snakes aren't even legal to own)

I have a few issues, though.
These guys are pretty young, they're roughly 15 inches long, and the male bit me the first day I had them and tried to handle him, while the female was perfectly handleable the first day.
The male has continued to be extremely aggressive, if I so much as put my hand in there, he becomes wary and if I go close enough, he'll strike after me. I've fed them once since I got them, and the day after I fed them, the male tried to strike at me.

They both escaped yesterday. Someone said they were escape artists somewhere, and I can believe that. Anyway, I found them again, and as usual, the male was aggressive, so I quickly put him back. I tried to handle the female for a bit, but she kept hissing, so I put her back in, too.

Also, I have two plants in there with them. The female loves to bury herself under them, and the male likes to climb (which is how they got out)
So I was also wondering if it's a bad plan to have any plants down there with them?
I also have a heater rock.
Sorry if this got longish, I'm just sorta uncertain on what to do, I even went to the library to get some books on the topic, but they didn't say much about kingsnakes at all, much less how to care for them.
Thanks in advance

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