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You are completely wrong

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Posted by zeb on February 19, 2003 at 17:51:13:

In Reply to: Re: Pet Store Classes posted by bast on January 21, 2003 at 12:39:33:

I work at a pet store...
It's a small & local. The store is clean. Everyday each herp gets removed from it's cage, the carpets are changed, water is exchanged, they are fed and checked up, and glass is cleaned.

I care. I spend my freetime reading about the animals we carry...and caring for my own.

You know who really doesn't care? The customers. I can't tell you how many times people have killed their animals and cared less.

There are expetions to the customers. And the pet stores as well.

In response to the question, I have never seen any classes available. But each employee is taught the basics of any animal it doesn't know much about. ( I knew nothing about the birds, for example. )

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