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hot dogs

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Posted by jamesag on May 11, 2003 at 17:25:30:

i went to a reptile show today and was looking at alligators.not to buy but just to look. a pet shop (regal reptile) was trying to convince me to buy the alligator by telling me all i had to do was throw it in a 20 gallon tank with a water heater and feed it hotdogs. is it realy ok to feed an alligator hotdogs regularly? and one more thing , they told me that as long as i keep the temp down in the gators tank it will be tame. i realize that an alligator can not be kept in a small fishtank , but is this true that i could feed an alligator hotdogs and keep his temp down to keep him tame?((i seem to doubt this for some reason)

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