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Re: Croc skeleton?

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Posted by Ravenspirit on April 11, 2003 at 08:57:27:

In Reply to: Re: Croc skeleton? posted by meretseger on April 11, 2003 at 01:51:53:

If Binocular vision would not have aided a Scavenger, like a vulture, then why do vultures have binocular vishion ? Here are some close up shots of a Turkey vulture you can take a peek at -

I am a strong believer in T rex being a patial scavenger, and back Horner in alot of his thinking - I do think that T rex could take prey, particularly hadrosaur, and if scavange was lean, would actively pursue "easier" prey. I do not think a T rex would have taken on Horned dinosaurs or sauropods. I also doubt, thought, that an animal like T Rex would be an active full time predator though - Horner makes some really good points, like about T rexes arms, Small eyes, which neither would suit an active predator, and what not. I do not see whay he concludes they could not take prey though, because, Even turkey vultures, like the bird in the pictures, will take small prey when the opporutnity presents itslef -

If you look at the leg bones and compare them to animals we know as runners, (Particularly the modern ground living Avians) and as walkers, T rex, would most deffenetly have been a "walker" -

The Dinosaur Hearsies' by Robert Bakker is an eccelent book - And for the T rex nut, Tyranosaurus Sue, By Steve Fifer, And Rex appeal, By Peter Larson and Kristin Donnan are also interesting reads - (There both about "Sue" The infomous south dakota T rex)

Raven - An avid dinosaur fan and artist -

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