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Posted by cdieter on April 09, 2003 at 11:34:54:

In Reply to: One man wanted to hold her - posted by Ravenspirit on April 08, 2003 at 09:01:25:

I was going to stay away from this topic but changed my mind to add my humble opinion. I believe these animals can be tamed, I have several myself including a 'tame' Nile crocodile(which is an oxymoron if I ever heard one). However, 'tameness' can be showed in many ways WITH the jaws secured. I do alot of public speaking and shows using crocodilians, I wrap even small animals that I know pose no threat to anyone. Why? simple. I'm not willing to subject myself to unnecessary litigation to prove a point I could prove anyway with tape. I also would not want a human who genuinely shows interest in the animal to be accidetally hurt, and I wouldn't want another human hurt period. If I have to let the tape off the animal I am doing a piss poor job presenting these animals and their place in nature in the first place.

By securing the jaws I am signifying to my audience that they are not toys, dogs, rabbits, etc. That although they can become 'tame' why should one try to tame them. Their jaws are remarkable tools, amazing adaptations, why minimize the power that most are drawn to anyway. I have honestly never tried to tame one, fail to see the point, and are just happy when they become accustomed to my being around and using them for educational endeavors.


by the way Raven, you still drawing? That one I got from you was great.

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