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Re: Where's the jaw tape? ....

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Posted by Ravenspirit on April 09, 2003 at 08:34:42:

In Reply to: Re: Where's the jaw tape? .... posted by Mokele on April 09, 2003 at 02:19:26:

"She hasn't been agressive yet. key word: "yet""

Ive heard that, and may have even used it myself in the past with various animals - I disagree in this situation, with this animal, that that is a worry for me, or her - Read the below post to bill - I am a carefull, observant individual, and would not "take the risk" if I thought there was one -

"i know i don't have much authority, since i don't even own one these animals yet, bit i agree that taking it out without jaw tape was HIGHLY irresponsible."

Then why should anyone even be aloud to own one of these animals, if they are simply ticking time bombs, that are going to rip apart thier keepers one day ? If they are untrainable, inherently dangerous creatures - I have a different view of crocodilians, maybe it is "wrong" but, I give them alot more credit then being meat eating/killing robots -

Im not trying to "fluffy buny-ize" them, in any way, but I think that through an understanding of thier behavior, one can begin to pice together how you would go about understanding how to work and train an animal like this.

I think takeing osceola out, and teaching people about her, and these animals, in the fashion that I do, is no more irresponsable then keeping her locked away in a pen, untrained and hidden from the public, for whatever private means I may want an animal like that for -

Raven -

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