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Croc. Farms, feeding question.

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Posted by Danny Conner on April 08, 2003 at 23:26:45:

In the past I've fed a lot of commercially raised chicken. This year I am commented to ending that practice.
Besides being cheap it is so convenient(not having to cut up a bunch of meat.) I have several crocodilians and it would be quite a job cutting up wild meat.
What do you guys feed a typical (salt,nile american) croc., at 2 feet, 4 feet, 6 feet?
I have a guy that works at a meat processing plant the other day he brought me several deer fetuses(venison veal).
These animals were from the size of a squirrel(with long legs) to the size of a medium dog.
The crocs and caimans loved them and naturally they were real easy to cut up.
As a food source do you think this is to fatty? The bones are pretty well developed, complete with little hooves.
I'd like to get them started on this when they're young and then simply increase the size of the prey animal as the crocs size increases. D.C.

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