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Re: got a ribbon yesterday

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Posted by snakeguy88 on March 10, 2003 at 19:58:42:

In Reply to: got a ribbon yesterday posted by HerpGirl on March 10, 2003 at 08:56:13:

Make sure the substrate is totally dry. Also, make sure the humidity from the plants and watering will not keep the cage to moist. The snake will develop blisters if constantly wet. As for the lagoon, remember that Thamnophis can not live on domestic goldfish all their life. They contain a protein commonly known as Thiaminase. This protein breaks down the chain of vitamin b, destroying it in the snake's system. They can eventually develop neurotic and health problems and die if lacking vitamin b. You can always feed some fish, some mice, and some nightcrawlers. A good diet is made of fish sold as bait, such as shad or runner or shiners or certain minnows (whatever the common baitfish are in your area). As for keeping the fish from jumping out, I do not have much of a suggestion. I would keep them in a seperate tank and only give the snake enough to feed it. They will have a fairly high death rate in a small bowl and will make the water foul with high ammonia levels. Andy

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