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Posted by ginevive on April 27, 2003 at 08:27:18:

In Reply to: Tadpoles... posted by cold_blooded on April 27, 2003 at 02:33:20:

It is always neat to watch tadpoles/frogs/toads. I have to take a good hike (about 2 miles of hilly terrain) to get to the swampy area where the frogs are breeding on our land. There were a trillion woodfrog eggs last week, so I took a few into the house to observe, they're doing great. Doesn't sound like you moved the frogs very far from their origin, so you aren't doing anything wrong, if most of your tads are surviving. If a natural pool appeared in your yard, some frogs would probly use it as a breeding ground anyway. as long as you avoid overcrowding (tads can release pheromones that stunt the growth of nearby tadpoles if they're in crowded conditions.) And are not taking huge amounts of tads. I go up to Ontario every year and love to see what frogs are breeding/hatching there. They seem to be slightly different than those of the same species here in NY, maybe a locality thing.

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