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not really....

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Posted by markc on April 15, 2003 at 21:35:25:

In Reply to: Well, this is why I asked for FROG on.... posted by Zeb on April 15, 2003 at 21:06:57:

excuse me but you responded to amyjk's post that your idea would be ok because of this and this... I said that you were wrong. if you want advice then listen to it.
I know how a fish defends itself. I am not stupid. I said that because a fish, no matter what size, will bite a frog's toes at least. I also stated other problems with your logic too about tank size and other things.
I will say this again- one species per tank. a treefrog only needs shallow water to sit in, not swim. 2" deep max. deeper than that and the frog could drown, esp. if a fish is biting it. just because fish are in the wild doesn't mean it is ok. nature and captivity are two separate issues. there is no such thing as a community tank. on my property there are black widows, rattlesnakes, rabbits, red tail hawks, a billion fire ants, scorpions and many assorted other rept and amphibs. should I be able to keep these animals in a small glass cage without any problems? of course not. nature is indifferent. it is eat or be eaten. there is plenty of stress. in a captive environment the only stress the animal should have is your face staring at it. the tank should be a properly setup naturalistic terrarium with the right temp, humidity, hiding places, clean water, etc...

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