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Re: Cage Setup and more>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Posted by jtlizards on November 17, 2002 at 19:24:39:

In Reply to: Cage Setup posted by bransun3 on November 17, 2002 at 09:04:19:

How old is your female. If she is past 18 months I would put them together. My adults cage in 4x4x4 and I use a UV Heat bulb and a normal 60 watt. Top cage 90-110F and the bottom around 70-80. Good luck!!! I have found frilleds very easy to breed and produced over 70 babies this year. Sad to say because of work I am about to sell my adults. Work has me traveling more and more and I can't find a good source to care for my frilleds while I'm gone. I am going to miss them when they are gone, but will continue to answer any questions I can to help other breeders.
James T

:Hi everyone..I was reading the care sheet at They were saying that I can get away with putting a 100 watt incadesent bulb, and a reptisun 5.0 .?? could that be true..I have also had a African Sup Thigh Tortouise with him for about 2 years..I am thinking of giving him away because it hasnt allowed me to put a water bowl in there for them..He tips it over..or gets it filthy..And one last thing...How do I go about sexing my frilleds...The little one was told to me that is a female..I dunno if it stands true..She is a big agressive..and she hisses at times when i put my hand in her tank...I think thats all that I have not..Thanks a bunch.. Steve...
:P.S How do I go about putting pictures on here???

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