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Re: lets be clear

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Posted by Dana on July 10, 2002 at 11:37:33:

In Reply to: Re: lets be clear posted by James on July 10, 2002 at 11:17:16:

a couple things...
first off, even frillies with huge bellies show some bones in the pelvic area--they are bonier than beardeds. What is considered a sign of emaciation in bearded (seeing the tailbone) is pretty normal in a frilled--they are built very differently.
second, everything James said. When they are stress they often press themselves down and look very cryptic. If it is not hot enough or if it is too hot, they will always look like this. Also, covering the cage sides is a good idea--the less they see, the better for stress.
and spray spray spray.
also, please understand that if you have a problem with an animal, the best thing to do is to go to the person you bought it from first. James could have helped you out. Instead, it seems as if you were trying to make him look bad by bringing this to a public forum. Now, if you went to him first and he was rude or wouldnt help, then you go public. If you picked the animal out in person, then it must have been looking fine in James' care.

: You picked this guy out on Saturday from three babies none of which where skinny. I told you you need a basking spot close to 100F with several branches. I also told you to spray him everyday. I aslo have said to everyone to place them in a water dish everyday for 5 min. He may be spook if you cage is to open. Try and cover the front so he can't see out. My babies eat at least twice a day and I see everyone of them eat. These guys should easily eat 10-15 small 1/4" cricket a day. You have to make sure babies drink water or they won't last long. If you are really this worried then call me and I will take him back. Also don't compair the size of your frill to beardies. Frills are much more slender. Even right after I feed my babies and they are fat, in a few hours it looks like they barely ate. Once again for eveyone reading, when these guys move to new homes it can spook them. You should have a closed cage in the beginning(cover the glass with cardboard) and make sure they are getting plenty of water. Now I'm going to have to hear from Suggs about selling young babies. All they other ones I have sold have had no problems.
: James

: :
: : His temps are in the mid to upper 80's, I havent sprayed him with warm water (I didnt know) and Im using miner-all for supplements. I have not seen him eat but I've seen him eye a cricket and have found two poopies. Please help, you can see his pelvis... too skinny.

: : Thanks so much,
: : Evan

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