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Make sure you are............

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Posted by goawaynow on May 04, 2003 at 15:30:51:

In Reply to: Make sure you are............ posted by franklin edwards on May 03, 2003 at 22:46:58:

I've never had a problem getting my rodents to eat the lab blocks. different brands make them for breeding animals. Its the easiest and most comvenent, for me anyway.



:::Best thing to do is go out to a pet store and get some rodent chow. They look like blocks sometimes called lab blocks, lab meal, rat and mouse food. Cat and dog food are not healthy choises for either mouse or snake and can lead to red die poisoning in your snake. You want the mice to be healthy for the snake so the snake will be healthy.

::You avoid red dye dog foods. Simple. Most breeding rodents are burning the higher fat and protein of the dog or cat and it is fine for them. I would hazard a guess that a majority of people raising feeders feed it. If you can get your rodents to eat lab block, more power to you. But I found animals bred constantly don't get enough from them and tend to pave the cage with them instead of eating them.
:: Other rodent mixes are just an assortment of seeds and alfalfa pellets. You can mix it yourself and not spend nearly as much. I buy sunflower seed for my wild bird feeders. Then I mix that with Dove feed and that is a seed mix for the mice and hamsters. Also feeding cat kibble if they are working with loads of pups and dog kibble if they are just average breeding. Oatmeal for hoppers to eat when they are first eyes open and eating solids. They also tend to get leftovers of pasta, rice, vegetables etc.



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