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30,000 Mice

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Posted by JM on May 03, 2003 at 20:34:52:

In Reply to: 30,000 Mice posted by sasheena on May 03, 2003 at 13:06:52:

I worry about that all the time. A few of my nieghbors know I have snakes, when asked how many I just say "Some". If pressed I get as vague as possible. "Well, there are two in the big tank in the living room" (Swatting at children when I say this to keep them from hollering "You should see her bedroom, there are snakes EVERYWHERE!) And if asked how many rodents I have I usually volunteer "More in the freezer than anywhere really should come to dinner sometime!"

Once I was building a snake rack in my garage with the door opened. One nieghbor asked what I was building....I said it was a sword holder. We are the "Weird nieghbors" so I didn't think anyone would call me on it as I have a garage full of chainmaile and swords everyone can see when the door is open. Thats when I found out that nieghbor happens to be a profesional cabinet maker......he asked how I was going to use THAT to hold swords.....I finally just told him...."Look, you know I have weird hobbies......this happens to actually be for my snakes, and we are probably both happier if I don't try to explain the exact function of this box"

Guess I should be expecting the DEA anytime now huh? Luckily he seems like a nice guy....and I have'nt seen the humane society OR the DEA.....yet.

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