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a lot of rodents+fire in tin can=

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Posted by GEM on April 28, 2003 at 17:14:00:

In Reply to: a lot of rodents+fire in tin can= posted by JM on April 28, 2003 at 16:26:27:

If your worried about cost of CO2 then learn how to whack em. Quicker, no burning fur because of frenzie, that is if they catch on fire before the container runs out of oxygen and flame goes out which won't take long.

:I believe that that would equal:

:mostly cooked somewhat alive disgusting in-humane mass of rodents.

:I really think thats going to be a BAD idea....but it's not like I've ever tried it, I just have a very good imagination and I'm pretty sure it would turn out a pile of mostly cooked, some still living in great pain rodents.

:You can get dry ice at most grocery stores. Ask if they sell it as a regular item, if they don't.....ask to speak with the manager in charge of the freezers. Ask him/her what night they get pallets in and if you could purchase a couple of the blocks of dry ice from the freezer pallets when they come in. Most grocery stores just throw out the dry ice that comes in on the freezer pallets so don't offer to pay to much for the blocks! (Except at Halloween when every employee in the store is fussing over who gets to take the dry ice home and freak out the tricker treaters!)

:Don't do the can and candle thing. Trust me, mammals have a natural fear of fire and those rodents will NOT sit still and wait for the flame to consume the oxygen in the can.....they will panic and burn themselves up. YUCK!

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