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Temperment & intelligence

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Posted by cfoley on April 30, 2003 at 10:13:28:

In Reply to: Temperment & intelligence posted by totallyalec on April 29, 2003 at 16:50:50:

The intelligence thing doesn't work for me either...Have you ever heard anyone call a snake "stupid"? So how can you call a snake the most intelligent?

As far as temperment, it really varies. Forest cobras are supposed to be notoriously aggressive, if I was that type of person, I would freehand my forest (but I dont freehand any hot snake, and never intend to). I have heard Spectacleds are supposed to be calm, but mine was just as bad as a true forest. Due to my experience (and a little common sense. i.e. my forest is my calmest snakes, but I know damn well they dont have the best temperment) I would have to go with the monocled cobra. The spectacled cobra makes a close second however. I would imagine alot of you reverse that or even have completely different snakes up there, but thats just my opinion.

Good Luck

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