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A question.

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Posted by tj on April 27, 2003 at 12:34:42:

In Reply to: A question. posted by herboyracer on April 27, 2003 at 00:41:03:

For starters, your crocodilian permit DOESN'T MEAN SQUAT, it's the endangered species permit that allows someone to keep crocodilian in NYS. And I know for a fact that you don't have your ESP. And no I'm not going to give you ANY praise, simply for the fact that there are quite a few people in NYS that are fighting to be able to keep our hots, and none of us want to have our work taking away from us because of some freak who wants to trade cobras for freakin' cell phones. The same freak who p!sses and moans because shipping costs are too high on venomous snakes, the same freak who in the last two months has asked about five snakes, and has managed to acquire everyone one of them. The same freak who goes by more than one nickname....herpboy/gator8, so NO I'm not going to give you ANY praise.
You know you are full of sh!t as far as every one one of those permits go, you asked about them less than two months ago, so there is NO WAY you have any of them, not to mention the state wouldn't grant you an ESP. I hope that all of NYS hot keepers' hard work (and the hard work from some people in other states) isn't for a lost cause so you can trade your Nokia for a venomous snake that you have no permit for.
K!ss my a$$ and no regards,
And sorry to the other people in here for me being such an a$$hole.

:i actually have since received my crocodillian permit...since you didnt congratulare me on that yet ill just take it upon myself for doing it for thanks a lot...i appreciate it...and just a mere four days ago got my venomous permit in the mail...also thanks for congratulating me...your praise is appreciated...although im sure that these werent your intentions...they of course were to make some sort of fool out of me...but ill just pretend it wasnt...

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