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A question.

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Posted by creep77 on May 01, 2003 at 23:54:08:

In Reply to: A question. posted by tj on April 28, 2003 at 09:20:57:

Silence. Uh-oh. Iknow the state herpetologist and we have a few friends in common. ESP's are extremely hard to get as far as I know they tend to be reserved for reputable people(biologists, technicians) who are interested in conservation alone, not captive management by 'civilians' outside an accredited institution; i.e.-university laboratory, zoological facility and nature centers and displays such as Ted's reptile or Clyde's. When i say conservation, i mean the people the state likes to grant ESP's to may not keep any venom, much less have a nonven or even a dog, for that matter.
My two cents finally became necessary on this 'thread'.

:The more you open your mouth, the less intelligent you make yourself sound, reinforcing everything I have to say. And actually yes, I do know where you live, however I'm not the only one....hint hint (DEC).


::well if youre so gaddamned smart you would know that i am one person not like fourty like you just said...moron...if you have such a problem...since you know everything sure you know where i live...we can settle this like its supposed to be settled...

::and actually i could have sworn that jus5t a few days ago i stuck up for you and all your assinine comments...

::but still you know absolutly nothing about my so you shoud keep your fat rednecked mouth shut when it comes to me...


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