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Hmmm, ignorance?

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Posted by tj on November 05, 2002 at 06:58:12:

In Reply to: Re: Well Said Wolfgang....more posted by Scott Eipper on November 02, 2002 at 19:05:09:

>This could due to the ignorance of that child in the sense that he/she cannot understand that some snakes are dangerous.

Does not understanding something make a child ignorant or make them a child? To me ignorance is a full understanding of knowing something is wrong, and doing it anyway. If a child doesn't know it's wrong, how does that make him/her ignorant?
I have never met a CHILD that was ignorant, only misinformed or never taught at all. Yes,a child may emulate what they see, that doesn't make them ignorant.


:I have kept out of this long enough.

:I was present when that photo was taken (I probably took it..I hate Ray's Camera..).

:The Taipans in that pit where mine, Fred Rossignoil's and a couple that were loaned to Fred for the display.

:To give you a rough Idea of what you are talking about...if you don't "head" Taipans...all the time they do become quiet. I am sure the one yu played/worked with at Tanunda were a bit more nervous, but by the same token if you were grabbed by the neck and had your mouth forced onto a piece of latex most of the time you were handled would you get pis**d off? I would.

:Freehandling is something that I am in two minds about..yes if someone (a child for instance) sees you do it they may try to emulate the handler and maybe gets a bite.

:This could due to the ignorance of that child in the sense that he/she cannot understand that some snakes are dangerous.

:By the same token if these children cannot understand that some snakes are dangerous and that only certain species can be held this way how can they be expected to tell the difference between a Taipan and a children's Python.

:I never here of a handler getting in trouble (what if someone sees you..type cr@p) if he posts a pic of him free handling his pet corn or Boa?

:My snakes are all in very good condition and health they are not drugged, cooled etc. Next time you are over here (in Australia) I invite you to see for yourself.

:Not all of my snakes can be free handled either..I have an Inland that is bonkers, a Collett's that is always in food mode a Hill death Adder that is loopy as hell and 4 Eastern Browns that would test just about anyones handlin skill.

:This is not personal attack on anyone, i just felt I needed to clear up a few things.


:Scott Eipper

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