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Posted by Jeremy G on October 29, 2002 at 11:04:39:

In Reply to: Making Taipans ridiculous posted by Richard Mastenbroek on October 29, 2002 at 02:19:17:

I want some dutch smokes!!!!!! LOL HeHe


:Hello Raymond,

:Firstly, RM, species and subspecies are not the same thing. I suggest you take a rudumentary course in taxonomy and nomenclature.

:I really don’t need a course in taxonomy and nomenclature as I know perfectly well the differences between species and subspecies. At this point do I need to correct you. As I had a course in nomenclature and even remember the stuff they learned me. If you really know that much about this subject you need to remember the first thing they told you a scientific name is always written in italic as you never do this in your post, do I think I might learned you something new.

:You write a artilcle about a new subspecies of Taipan and do this in less than one page, so I doubt it that there is any valid information in this so called paper.

:Second have you ever seen this newly described subspecies?
:And when yes post a picture of this snake or maybe even snakes?
:I love to see those things. What is the biggest difference between those subspecies?
:Do they have a map of Western Australia on their head, because this is really new for me as my own taipans don’t have a map on there head. LOL

:I need to say that I love your freehandling pictures.

:Why do I like them?

:First this are not taipans this are juveniles, when you want to play the big hero buy a ticket to Holland and you can play with my taipans :-)

:I wonder if you still want to freehandle than when not I can give you some Dutch smokes and you might try it ahahaha.

:The second thing I liked from those pictures is your face!!!
:Be honest Ray you look like your pens is full of SH*T.

:Third when I was a Taipan I would have nailed you, just because you make my family ridiculous.

:Have a nice day

:Richard Mastenbroek

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