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Re: Intro Hi Scot - nice to meet you.

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Posted by PristinePets on October 01, 2002 at 20:46:51:

In Reply to: Re: Intro Hi Scot - nice to meet you. posted by shannons on October 01, 2002 at 14:10:45:

My wife and I breed Parrots and have African Servals and somehow we acquired reptiles LOL. I have always used my own animals for my classroom and the kids loved it. A friend in a nearby town has over 80 snakes in his class and a variety of lizards. He wanted birds to add to his class and the rest is history :).
I teach Special Ed so its a far cry from a normal science room. I teach all subjects and its AMAZING how the kids relate the animals to math, social studies or any other time they can sneak them in as a topic. This is our first year with this many classroom animals and it is working out GREAT. The kids now come get animals and do presentations to the regualr ed classes so they get to teach the regualr ed kids about the reptiles. They are emotioanlly impaired and learning disabled for the most part so to see them behave and present a well thought out talk is fantastic. Other teachers now come see the animals and ask kids for tours of our room. The goal is a school wide reptile club with my kids being the "pros" again teaching the others about care and feeding issues.
Of course every cricket seen in the school now is automatically from MY crickets and all smells are from my room LOL. It amazes me on how "fickle" some educators are and i guess narrow minded. For the most part it is going over well and in fact other agencies are now alowing me money to get more animals and supplies. If anyone knows of grants for such things I would love to hear about them.

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