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son found a toad -- help!

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Posted by Carol on June 08, 2001 at 21:15:25:

My nine year old son rescued a wild toad, and wants very badly to keep him. We have a large place in which to keep him (an old iguana cage/aquarium), but we don't know if that's wise.

The pet store lady told him that the toad "Amphibo" would die if we kept him because he would be unable to hibernate in October, and he would ultimately die of stress. She also said that he'd be unable to tell night from day because the temperature doesn't mary indoors (easily remedied by a heat lamp, I think).

My son wants to keep him, but realizes that he does NOT want to be the cause of Amphibo's early death. We have plans to release him, but cannot do so for a couple of days, so I'd like advice on what to feed him, and any care instructions that we need to know.

What does he eat, and how often? What else does he need? Any help is GREATLY appreciated!! As I don't know that I'll be able to find this forum again, please email any advice to me at . Thanks!!

I've tried to attach a photo.. I hope it worked!

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