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Public Apology to DFWHS

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Posted by troy h on September 12, 2002 at 18:13:36:

after receiving two emails (one irate and one reasonable) this afternoon after getting home, i felt that i should make a public apology to the DFWHS.

i'm sorry if any of you (members or officers) took my recent post as "attacking" you personally, your officers, or you as a society. it was never my intent to do anything other than to refute some of Kenny's points regarding "herp shows killing herp societies" and to present a word of caution about associating intimately with herp shows. i'm more than a bit surprised that my words were taken so personally by individuals that i respect, because they were not meant to be personal - rather i was attempting to point out what at least one portion of public perception is, and that you (as a society) ought to be careful.

i ventured into this discussion on a public forum, rather than discussing it privately with the officers of the society, merely because the topic had been already been brought up by other parties, and i felt the urge to comment on the topic, make a few points, etc. personally, i enjoy public discussion - argument is not a bad word to me, because i view the word by its true definition - "discussion oppossing points of view with rational discourse" (as opposed to the more colloquial use of the word meaning "the yelling that two or more people do when they are mad at each other!" LOL!).

So again, let me say i'm sorry if any of you were offended in any way shape or form.

Troy Hibbitts

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