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Re: Did you notify the vendor, or the promotor of the expo? np

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Posted by carlfranklin on September 02, 2002 at 03:16:51:

In Reply to: Did you notify the vendor, or the promotor of the expo? np posted by KelliH on September 02, 2002 at 02:51:00:


No one told me of that. This does smell kinda fishy.

Matt if you actually saw a dead animal and didn't tell anyone anything about it then what good are you doing?

I saw the star tortoises that you indicated and I never saw a dead one. Perhaps it was already sold before anyone figured out!!

c'mon man, you can do better than that.

please come up with something more creative. I mean come one man.

Oh, I know..The captive bred sasquatch could have snorted rudely at you!! See what I mean..It's easy, just come up with something and remember we all know it's true because it's really complicated.

Also if you ever do see anything like that at any show then rat those people out in a heart beat! Don't be afraid or intimidated by any vendor or promoter. That goes for anything including "Uromastyx that don't move their hind legs because they just woke up" and other nonsense.


Carl Franklin

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