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Re: Women? better be talking about Laure LOL

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Posted by wrathofrath on April 09, 2003 at 09:48:56:

In Reply to: Re: Women? better be talking about Laure LOL posted by Jody P. on April 08, 2003 at 21:14:48:

Yes I was refering to Laure but I have to admit I had no idea you were a guy sorry. Anyway, Rocky is very grateful for everything you've done for him and so am I. He told me to send his best to Mr. Jody. Take care and I'll talk to you soon.

The Name Jody throws everyone off but just in case to set the record straight I am a guy.

:I am suprised he is acting up again, He calmed down enough to go outside on my shoulder while I had him. Give him time it only took me 2 weeks to calm him down. He is always a little crazy when picked up from his cage though.

:Good luck and thanks for given him a good home. :)

::Just bought Rocky from a women in Florida. He's a little high strung right now but I'm hoping he's gonna calm down. I put him in a small tank next to my computer so he can get used to me. Anyway, just thought I'd share the photo with everyone.


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