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Posted by Tom Townsend on July 18, 2002 at 18:40:52:

In Reply to: Sexual maturity in Western Diamondbacks (C. atrox) posted by Tom Townsend on July 09, 2002 at 11:22:40:

I had a feeling that the information that I had read previously was based on field observations and had nothing to do with snakes in captivity, but there isn't a plethora of data to shoose from about C. atrox captive breeding to go on from what I could find.

I wish there were more resources available on captive husbandry and breeding as applicable to most species of snakes. For as many reptiles as there are being sold as captive bred, there sure isn't much information available on anything more exotic that your average pine, king or cornsnake. I suppose I'm asking for a lot, but I'd like to see some of the more successful snake breeders to publish something on the techniques used to accomplish some of these captive breedings in order that more snakes could be produced in the captive setting to take a little pressure off the wild populations. Then again, I guess I'd be asking some of the "masters" to give away their secrets and that would cut into the profit margins.....

If anyone would be interested in sharing their "secrets" with me, I promise I'll take them to the grave with me (fingers crossed)......

Thanks again everyone. I believe my gut level feelings on the subject have been confirmed through your responses....


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