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Unique question regarding sidewinder venom & it's prey...

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Posted by AZ Hot Rod God on December 04, 2002 at 17:29:08:

Hello to all in the forum! I haven't been on in quite some time because I was finishing up school at Universal Technical Institute which I am proud to say that I finally graduated from college on Nov. 22!!!!

Anywho, now for my question....I have finally gotten my sidewinder to eat a pinky mouse instead of an anole which I am very grateful for due to the fact that the price of anoles used to be like $2 and now they're $5. He's only eaten one pinky mouse and every time I give him another, he'll bite and envenomate but he won't eat it. He'll just leave it there till it turns completely black and smells up the whole patio. Is this a common thing for them to do? could it be because he knows it's getting close to winter and that's why he's not eating?

Now for my other question. I have a Western Hognose as well and I was wondering what would happen if I give the hognose a pinky mouse that the sidewinder had already bitten and killed? would it kill my hognose or would it just aid in speeding up the digestion process for the hognose as well? I admit that pinky mice aren't a huge dent in the pocket but I hate having to keep throwing all these pinkies away... Any info would be greatly appreciated. thanks...

AZ Hot Rod God

P.S.-I'm gonna try to get some pics of my sidewinder up, but I've never done it before, so it might not work.

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