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I don't know what snining is but >>

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Posted by JJFeldner on September 08, 2002 at 10:19:17:

In Reply to: Snake Avoidance Training - Our Opportunity to Snine posted by azpowell on September 07, 2002 at 23:28:38:

avoidance training is given in the Phoenix area by a number of trainers. Check the Yellow Pages.

"I have heard a friend speak of a local dog trainer conducts snake avoidance clases once a week. It was said that they 'defang' the snakes and tape there rattles with duc tape."

<"I want to know if anyone knows or is interested in testing of a way to muzzle a snake? I want to see if there is a way to use sometihing to protect the snake and dog that is easily removable that doesn't injur or kill anything. The thought of sowing the mouth shut is cruel beyond sanity."

<"Also, as an opinion. I think snakes are much safer if we train the dogs with absolute avoidance techniques and thus we avoid the dog owner killing in retaliation or revenge all the snakes that are like the one that killed his dog. And this type of life long human behavior is impossible to correct with a dog size shock collar!


<< I really don't know what you are trying to say in the above quote. The people I have spoken to who want or have had avoidance training for their dog(s) want it for the benefit of the dog(s) and are not interested in killing the snake. In fact, I have relocated a number of rattlers from places where a dog has had training and the owner is delighted that the snake was not killed and that someone was willing to come out to remove the snake from their immediate area.
As for the snakes, unfortunately, they are sometimes killed by dogs in spite of the shock collar and since the mouth is sewn shut, have no real means of defense. The ones who survive are sometimes released after the mouth is freed up. Others are released with the mouth still sewn up and are certain to die.

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