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Binder clips... pics and more comments. :)

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Posted by Serpwidgets on May 07, 2003 at 21:57:49:

I had tried a bunch of stuff, these definitely work best. With anything stretchy (or a weight on top of the cage) you run the risk that your snake will be strong enough to start getting out, but not strong enough to get all the way out.

That can be deadly, and I don't know whether finding your snake dead would or would not be more heartbreaking than an escape...

Anyway, here are the small clips, applied to a 99-cent large shoebox container from Big Lots. (an outlet store)

They also make the 100% insecure medium-size sterilite boxes (on bottom) into secure housing.

I've found these clips are also important to use on these big containers, as on top. Why? Because if you can, with a reasonable amount of effort, do this with your fingers:

...then they can escape. (Obviously doesn't apply to a perfectly-built rack where the shelf above keeps the lid on.)

In my experience, the medium sized clips are best for these big clear sweater boxes.

Note that on these rubbermaid shoeboxes (with the blue tops, which is apparently all they sell anymore whenever I go looking) the tops are totally worthless without clips.

Also, make sure when you buy boxes that the edges are shaped in a way that the clips won't just slide off... I do have a big box like that, and it's annoying because I can't use it as housing. ;)

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