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I'd probably be labled as an addict...

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Posted by Amanda E on May 05, 2003 at 18:30:32:

In Reply to: Oh, there comes a time... posted by Shaky on May 05, 2003 at 16:06:15:

I have a degree in zoology, so that's my accuse I give as to why I spend so much time reading about and spending time with my snakes. But in reality I just love 'em and would love to have more. And to think...I'd never even held a snake until a few years ago.

But I've already hit two of those points you mention Shaky.

I have a list of about 6 species, besides corns, I would like and I can't make up my mind what I would like more. But the main factor is that my husband says I can't buy another snake for at least a few more years. BUT... he has agreed that I can breed my snakes and keep some of the offspring. Now the problem becomes, how can I convince him to let me keep a bunch of the babies rather than just a pair.

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