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Posted by bigboi on May 03, 2003 at 02:03:08:

In Reply to: Yes posted by ronda on May 02, 2003 at 23:41:05:

I am using a shoebox filled half way with peat moss. The plastic shoebox has a hole about twice the size of her girth drilled in the lid. The male hangs out in there more than she does. The first egg was laid on the substrate and the second in the box. I will change it to vermiculite and see. The cage temp right now (nighttime) is at 76 F.

:In most cases, a corn will have laid all her eggs within 24 hours. If she's depositing one at a time, and acting restless, it sounds like she's not satisfied with the next box you've provided (you did provide a nest box, right?). What type of medium are you using for her to lay her eggs in? I tried a coconut fiber and peat mix one year, and my snakes hated it. The females laid their eggs everywhere except the nest box. Vermiculite works good, although its messy, as does sphagnum moss. Perhaps the temps aren't right or she doesn't feel safe/secluded enough? I try to give my females a rather tight fitting container. Too big and they tend not to use it.

:Good luck,

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