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I use 11"...

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Posted by krisg on April 28, 2003 at 10:12:56:

In Reply to: Rack System and Heat Tape posted by Drizzt80 on April 27, 2003 at 22:16:40:

I have a much larger rack and am currently using 11" heat tape. For my shelves that are 56" lengthwise and 9" tall, and about 23" deep, each holding 3 large tubs, it definitely does the trick. A drawback however is that it heats the whole room, we're talking a total of 15ft of heattape here... For me, it's not a problem, but for others it might be...
Also, I find there's a maximum gradient from the front to the back of only about 5 degrees, keeping the back around 82 and the front around 77 or so. If you want a larger gradient, I would be more inclined to use the 4" and turn it up higher, rather than having a larger heating area and keeping the electricity lower. I just find the smaller the width of the heat tape, the more localized your heat will be. In effect, it can keep the back nice and toasty, while the front will remain cooler.
Just my 0.02cdn,
in Mtl.
PS... also depends on the ambient temp in the room... if it's anything above 70, which is most likely is unless you're in a basement (or here in Canada ;) I'd be more inclined to go with the 4".

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