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as far as opening mouth, press dropper into corner of jaw>

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Posted by eve on April 26, 2003 at 14:24:38:

In Reply to: Hatchling will not eat – help needed… posted by jumbo on April 26, 2003 at 12:00:42:

:The only “good” egg from the first clutch this year hatched around 1 week ago. The hatchling was put in a small cage with sand and caves – and with temps a little lower than in the adults cage.

:The hatchling looked week from the first day. Its eyes were closed the most of the time and it didn’t move much around.

:When sitting in the cage it still seems weak and within a few minutes its head will “drop down”. Only positive thing is that its eyes have been more open the latest 2 days.

:I spray the cage with water 1-2 times a day and sometimes it drinks. So it looks like it gets the water it needs. It does a few poops, but I think they consist of water and calcium (there is lots of calcium on top of the sand).

:But I can’t get it to eat. I have tried with small mealworms, spiders and crickets, but it is not interested. I have tried to push to its mouth to get it to open. 4 days ago I succeeded and I gave it 2 crickets witch it ate. Since then it has not eaten and I can’t get it to open the mouth anymore.

:I think it will make it if it gets something to eat + vitamins. I think that there is only force feeding left. But how do I force feed such a small lizard (only 1 inch + tail)?

:I don’t know what to do – any suggestion is appreciated…

Jesper, the very corner of mouth is where you can usually induce opening, but I would mash his food and liquify in blender, it takes less energy to swallow than whole pieces, it does work, my baby chuck ate that way at 6 days old, he made it and now is 6 months. Add calcium to it it and squirt it in. Eve

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