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Hatchling will not eat – help needed…

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Posted by jumbo on April 26, 2003 at 12:00:42:

The only “good” egg from the first clutch this year hatched around 1 week ago. The hatchling was put in a small cage with sand and caves – and with temps a little lower than in the adults cage.

The hatchling looked week from the first day. Its eyes were closed the most of the time and it didn’t move much around.

When sitting in the cage it still seems weak and within a few minutes its head will “drop down”. Only positive thing is that its eyes have been more open the latest 2 days.

I spray the cage with water 1-2 times a day and sometimes it drinks. So it looks like it gets the water it needs. It does a few poops, but I think they consist of water and calcium (there is lots of calcium on top of the sand).

But I can’t get it to eat. I have tried with small mealworms, spiders and crickets, but it is not interested. I have tried to push to its mouth to get it to open. 4 days ago I succeeded and I gave it 2 crickets witch it ate. Since then it has not eaten and I can’t get it to open the mouth anymore.

I think it will make it if it gets something to eat + vitamins. I think that there is only force feeding left. But how do I force feed such a small lizard (only 1 inch + tail)?

I don’t know what to do – any suggestion is appreciated…


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