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a question for the "experts"................

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Posted by jason111 on April 19, 2003 at 18:13:43:

and here it is:-i've had my egg's for about 2 weeks and very early on they all developed mold on them, i brush it off daily and the eggs don't seem to be affected by it.There is 2 types of mold on these eggs 1 is a white fluffy type which brushes off easily and 1 is green that isn't removed so easily.My question is is it possible that the eggs are viable or are they duds.My incubation methods are these:i have a 2x1x1 aquarium wrapped in polystyrene with 4in of water with an aquarium heater in it,perched on 2 bricks 2in above the water is a 1ftx6inx4in rubbermaid with a 1in layer of damp orchid bark and a layer of tissues on top which the eggs are rested on,i open the lid every day to air the eggs.the ggs have not sunk or pitted and remain full bodied,this is only my 2nd year of breeding collards so my experience is limited although i've been breeding lg's for sometime and this is the best method i've found.
thanks and see yah
ps the humidity is 75% and temps in box are 85 constant,any ways to improve appreciated.

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