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crix dying

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Posted by chimbakka on May 05, 2003 at 18:06:08:

In Reply to: crix dying posted by anichcha on May 05, 2003 at 17:39:54:

How old are they when you get them? Crickets only live six weeks, and it is possible that they are almost dead when you buy them. Where do you get them from? You could try getting them somewhere else, and see if that makes a difference.
Also, I would try using carrot and/or sweet potato instead of apples and oranges. Fruit tends to mould in a day, and it is hard to change it enough.
As far as food.. I'm not really sure. I use the recipe from for cricket gutload, and just use it for the staple diet of my crix. It is pretty much the recipe, I had to leave a few things out. I don't know about the calcium quencher things, what are they? For water you can just use a shallow dish with wet paper towell. Just change it every 2-3 days. Also, if you keep your carrot/potato on the paper towell, it will last longer and not dry out.

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