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Posted by lele on May 02, 2003 at 08:48:55:

In Reply to: crickets posted by swails on May 02, 2003 at 08:33:29:

While perusing the Cham E-zine site for other info I found the following on breeding crix that you may find helpful. Also, I get what are called "soft-bodied" crix at our local feed store. apparently they are bred this way specifically for herps. Every now and again I get a "regular" crix in right now I have one chirping, but I must say that out of about three dozen crix I have 2, 3 max, that chirp.

Hope this all helps!


:Oh man! I love the sound of the crix in my house. I do keep mine in the basement because of the smell, but not because of the sound. There is nothing like the sound of crix in the house when there is 2 feet of snow outside:) I use two ten gallon aquariums with sceen lids, and a spot light on top of the cages. So, I would not feel comfortable putting mine in a closet because of the heat lamp. They need lots of hiding spaces, I use paper towel rolls, toilet paper rolls, and egg cartons. It is so easy to pick up one of the rolls and dump it into Abby's feeder. Your crix need to be kept healthy and happy also, or they will not be good food for your cam:)

:Good luck!


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