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Dealing with noisy crix...

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Posted by iwana on May 02, 2003 at 18:40:55:

In Reply to: but... posted by taralynn_hughes on May 02, 2003 at 12:45:31:

Hi there!

I couldn't help but laugh at your post... While I do enjoy the sound of crickets chirping, it does get on your nerves when you're trying to go to sleep! And you just have one right now that's chirping, wait until it's nearly the entire colony!! You'll want to grab the whole container and shake it!!! LOL

Anyway, I did find that putting them in a closet overnight did help. My closets are pretty big, so I wasn't worried about them not getting enough air, plus I made sure to take them out the next morning.

One thing you REALLY need to be careful of if you do this, though, is to *NOT* put them on the floor, especially if you have any ants in your house! I lost an entire colony that way... I opened the lid of my cricket set-up one day and found what could only be described as a blood bath... Cricket parts everywhere and very happy, fat ants...

Good luck, and keep us posted!!

Julie and Justin :-)

:So, I have to live with the chirping? We have them in a big rubbermade container, with lots of places for them to hide. They are well fed with different grains and fruits and vegateables. But is there anything you can do to shut them up??Maybe because I am 9 months pregnant it is driving me nuts, but I would really like to find the little guy that is chirping and wrip his legs off!

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