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What is new in the world of Orion...

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Posted by chimbakka on April 23, 2003 at 20:44:10:

Well, Orion seems to be healthier now. He still won't eat much, but he IS eating on his own, and for now I am happy with that. I made a cool little cricket food bucket thingy for him. It was just a small metal easter bucket I found at the grocery store. I cut a hole in the bottom and put a fake branch thing (looks kind of like a pothos) in the hole. I also glued some of the fake leaves around the sides on the insides so the crickes can get out a bit. This way, there are crix climbing around in the bucket, in reach of Orion, and some crix free-roaming in his cage. I put a bunch in this morning, and when I cleaned his cage tonight there weren't a lot to be found. I'm hoping they were eaten, not hiding.
I also got a drip system today. I am back to working during the day, so I am not at home to spray as much. I have it raied on a tub thing, and it drips onto a half of a plastic hose. The water runs down and drops off of that into a cup with some pothos vines in it. He can get to the dripping part b/c it is near a tree for him. I hope he will use it. I showed him it today, and he had a drink. I guess he will be able to figure it out... It will be SOO much easier when he is in his final cage. I won't have to worry about making the water fall in JUST the right place so it goes in the cup. That was a pain in the butt.
I feel badly for Orion. His cage has been changed around too much (from humidifier, to food, to drip system changes). The poor guy probably thinks he is on a world tour. He seems pretty adaptable though. I know he doesn't LIKE it, but he doesn't seem to be freaking out too much. Hopefully things will work how it is. I don't want him in a "new" environment untill his new cage this summer. I can't wait to have it set up and ready! I think it will do him a lot of good to just be in a comfy home that is the same from now on. Note to self *figure out cage COMPLETELY before getting cham*. I had NO idea how much work it would be!
I think he grew a bit. He seems a little fuller, and maybe a bit longer.
I guess that is about it. Any info or suggestions on how to get him to eat a bit more would be GREATLY appreciated. I have the lighting so it is a bit brighter for him. That seemed to help a bit. I saw some stuff in the pet store that "stimulates the appetite" and "balances electrolytes" for $10. I can't remember the name of it. Has anyone tried anything like this? If so, did it work? I may give it a try. Thanks for the help, as always!

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