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Re: silkies & SuperPet and beheaded mealies!

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Posted by chimbakka on April 17, 2003 at 08:49:50:

In Reply to: silkies & SuperPet and beheaded mealies! posted by icequeen on April 16, 2003 at 22:21:48:

I know what you mean... I got large mealies thinking that that is how big they got, thinking I would breed them and give the babies to Orion. HELL NO!!! lol. They are SOOOO gross!!! I had them in a margarine dish, thinking they would just lay in there.. no, they can jump. The little buggers can jump! They got out, in my room. I had to catch them all, and DOWN THE TOILET THEY WENT! lol I found out later that those were "super mealies" and that there are small ones you can get. They are a good size for Orion, and not as nasty, so I just feed him them.
On another note, I completely sympathathize with your lack of bugs. There aren't many places near here I can get them. I have to drive at least 45 min. Bah. So, in the summer I am going to start an insect farm, lol. I am going to catch some praying mantis' from my buddies greenhouse (used for a pool, not plants), and order some walking sticks offline. If Orion will eat them, I may also breed silkies and wax worms. I will have a ton, so if all goes as planned I can ship some to you whenever. I don't think it will cost that much, and I don't mind paying for it. I feel bad just having a ton of insects left over to die anyways. (Like a natural death is somehow worse than being EATEN ALIVE!- I have weird morals, lol).

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